We Are The Horn Section7

Raising up the Next Generation of Worshippers

The Horn Section children are not strangers to the stage or singing before an audience. The pandemic created the ideal environment for the family to hone in on anchoring the family in prayer and worship. With all that was happening in the world, parents weren't the only ones experiencing hardship. Each of the children's hearts were hurting in their own way as life became scary. There was only one thing to do; pray and worship until our hearts healed. Our family unit became closer as we prayed, cried, sang, grieved, ate, danced, painted, played, glued, and anything else we could do to make growing closer to God fun for children. With plans of releasing albums and videos soon, The Horn Section is compelled by God to raise up the next generation of worshippers.

Each of the children have their own business and ministry focus based on their age and what they are passionate about. It has been incredible watching their eyes open to the idea that God will use them now. They don't have to wait until they are adults. God has placed enough in each of them to accomplish much for His name sake right now! And as God gives us the strength and grace to do so, we will do it.

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